10234 S. Washtenaw, Chicago, IL 60655
Phone: 773-445-6565
Email: sjfparishchicago@gmail.com
Saint John Fisher Parish Children’s Faith Formation (C.F.F.)
Welcome to a new year of Children’s Faith Formation!
We hope the school year 2024-2025 helps children and families learn about Catholic teachings and how to live faithful lives.
We hope this year
deepens your spiritual life
inspires you to Christian greatness
introduces you to other families who share your values, and have great dreams for their children.
Dates for Children’s Faith Formation 2024-2025
All classes meet from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. All classes are in person in the school.
2024-2025 Schedule
September 15, 2024
September 22, 2024
October 6, 2024
October 20, 2024
November 3, 2024
November 17, 2024
December 8, 2024
December 15, 2024
January 12, 2025
January 19, 2025
February 2, 2025
February 9, 2025
March 2, 2025
March 23, 2025
April 6, 2025
April 13, 2025 (Grade 2 ONLY)
Philosophy of Saint John Fisher Children’s Faith Formation (C.F.F.)
We – teachers, Director of Religious Education, priests are your partners in faith.
As parents and guardians, the best thing you can do for your child is to provide structure, guidance and unconditional love. At your child’s baptism you expressed your desire to raise your child as a Catholic. Let us help you by providing informational classes and a community of your child’s peers. We hope your child’s C.F.F. classes will teach your child about Catholicism within the context of a group who support those beliefs.
Christianity is lived within a community.
C.F.F. classes last for 8 years. Your child’s affiliation with the Catholic church lasts forever. One of the greatest strengths of our program is its timing between two parish liturgies. We feel strongly that your child, at an early age, establish the habit of weekly mass attendance, preferably with your family. Our classes are purposely concise to ensure your child also attend Sunday liturgy. We feel this combination of instruction and worship will best serve your child and provide a foundation for a lifetime of faith, long after the requirements of C.F.F. end. We hope classes on Sunday combined with Sunday mass creates a life-long association of Sunday as a holy day, and a day set apart.
The power of the eucharist, the experience of community worship, the hearing of the Word are a vital part of your child’s faith development. Imagine the impact on a child to see people of all ages and stages coming together for an hour each week to celebrate their faith. Liturgy is the defining moment, the height and summit of Catholic worship.
Church is not boring
when children participate. We hope the Liturgy of the Word for children program for children in ages ages 3-Grade 2 during the 11:00 a.m. mass helps children feel even more a part of our parish community who cares so much for its youngest members that it has a program, just for them, during the mass. This program allows the children to experience the readings the will hear for the rest of their lives on a level they can understand.
Children learn by example, especially yours.
Children, more than anything, want to be grown up. You are vitally important role models. When you participate in liturgy, they think that is the grown-up and expected thing to do.
Every year is important.
The children’s curriculum builds on the information presented the previous year. Every year the children learn new, key concepts. We count on your attendance each year, grades 1-8, and hope you wouldn’t dream of missing. Our C.F.F. classes are always in the best interest of your children. In addition to learning content, your child will feel loved and welcomed into this parish community which sees and hopes for only the best in each child charged to its care. We want to help you provide structure for your child for a journey in life filled with challenges and potential for great joy. In these very short years that your children live with you, we hope you give them the best gift: the foundation for the realization of a meaningful life as God’s beloved children.
When your child misses classes, he or she misses out on information, activities, discussions. Please make prayerful learning possible for your child by conscientiously bringing them each week.
In the midst of all the obligations placed on family life today, we hope this time at church is a number one priority. We hope your Sunday mass and learning experience helps bring a sense of calm and peace, and gives direction to your other activities.
Sacrament Policy
Children in Saint John Fisher Parish traditionally receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in 2nd grade, and Confirmation in 8th grade. Our parish follows the Archdiocesan norms to require at least two years of religious education prior to receiving the sacraments: 1st and 2nd grade for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist, and at least 7th and 8th grade for Confirmation.
This policy greatly helps the student understand the meaning and importance of each sacrament. This preparation allows to student to have a firm foundation in the living out of these sacraments.
Note: If children fall a year behind, they become part of their actual grade level after First Communion.
Class Location and Registration Information:
Classes are held on Sundays from 9:30 to 10:45 a.m., September through April approximately three times a month. Please enter using the doors just north of the main church entrance on Fairfield Avenue..
C.F.F. begins Sunday, September 15, 2024
We look forward to welcoming new and returning families and children.
Fees: Tuition/Book fees
1 child $220.00 +$20.00 = $240.00
2 children$270.00 +$40.00 = $310.00
3 children$295.00 +$60.00 = $355.00
4 children$310.00 +$80.00 = $390.00
Students who were not baptized at Saint John Fisher should provide a copy of their baptismal certificate.
Thank you for your interest and participation in this program. For more information, please contact Elena Chermak, Director of Religious Education at echermak@sjfschool.us
Saint John Fisher Church
10234 South Washtenaw Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60655-1654
Elena Chermak, D. Min., Director of Religious Education
Office of Religious Education
773-445-6565 Rectory Office
Children's Faith Formation Teachers
We have a wonderful group of faith-filled, dedicated teachers who introduce tenets of our rich tradition of Catholic faith, share stories of faith, and lead the children in discussion to integrate these teachings into their lives.
Our teachers include a former principal, assistant principal, a tradesman, professional teachers, and a computer programmer. All are well versed in the teachings of our faith and effective communicators of these important truths.
We are delighted with their dedication, care and skill to teach our children each week
Mrs. Kathy Guinane
Grade 1
Miss Laura Shallow
Grade 2 – First Reconciliation, First Communion
Mrs. Nancy North
Grade 3
Mrs. Essie Carson
Grade 4 & 5
Mr. Mike Ralphson
Grade 6
Mr. Brian Nichols
Grade 7
Mr. Andrew Lynch
Grade 8 – Confirmation
Ms. Elena Chermak
Director of Religious Education
10234 S. Washtenaw, Chicago, IL 60655 | Phone: 773-445-6565
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