10234 S. Washtenaw, Chicago, IL 60655
Phone: 773-445-6565
Email: sjfparishchicago@gmail.com
Women’s Club
Service Projects for church and school
Social and recreational activities for both school and church
The Catholic Mother’s Group
Meets monthly
Faith sharing group centered on vocations of wife and mother
Men’s Holy Name Society
Meets monthly
Social organizations that provides service
Run Parish Picnic, golf outings, food drive
The Catholic Children’s Book Club
Meets monthly
Opportunity for children to learn about saints and faith topics through Catholic books
Meets for the Christmas Novena
St. John Fisher Tip Toppers
Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesday every month from 11am-3pm
Social organization for senior citizens
Fisher Fest
Run the parish wide fundraiser held in September
Organizes sales, rides, raffle tickets, and games
Organizes volunteers for the event
Service Committee
Meets monthly
Provide service opportunities for people of all ages within parish
Looking for new members
Gardening Committee
Prepare the gardens around the church and school
Young Adult Ministry
Opportunity for college and after college students to connect with their faith
Includes faith sharing groups
Opportunity for spiritual retreats and work with the Youth Ministry
Respect Life
Provides resources about life issues
Fundraise for pregnancy crisis centers
Girl Scouts
Girls from kindergarten to 8th grade
Helps girls build character
School Board
Formulate policy and work with the Pastor and principal to guide school
Open meetings
Interview to be on the School Board
Athletic Association
Meets monthly
Runs athletic programs for Fisher students to help them build character
www.sjfathletics.net (for more information)
Family School Association
Service and social organization
Link between school and parish
Hosts events throughout year to raise money
Serve one time per month
Read the first and second Readings
Local training required & provided
Christian Faith Formation (CFF)
Meets certain Sunday mornings September thru May
Religious educational program to prepare 1st-8th graders for the sacraments
Music Ministry
Rehearsal: Thursdays from 7:00-9pm
Includes the Ensemble and Adult Choir
Provide music for the Mass
Baptismal Preparation
Educates parents and godparents with baptismal responsibilities
Liturgy Environment
Prepares the church for liturgical events/ seasons
Meets and carries out ways to develop the physical environment for worship (flowers, fabrics, banners)
Ministers of Care
Visit and bring Communion to the homebound, those in nursing homes and those in hospitals
Must be a Eucharistic Minister
Eucharistic Ministers
Serve one time per month
Help distribute the Eucharistic at all masses
Local training required & provided
Wake Committee
Provide prayer service at wakes and an honor guard for members of the Women’s Club
Members attend the wakes and funerals that they can
Church greeters
Take collections
Distribute bulletins
10234 S. Washtenaw, Chicago, IL 60655 | Phone: 773-445-6565
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